This very well-stocked first aid kit is an essential addition to any household, with all the supplies you’ll need in case of a minor emergency. It’s got everything from scissors and tweezers to bandages and alcohol prep pads–all in a sturdy hard-shell case.
Sturdy hard shell foam carry case
First aid guide
Vinyl gloves
Emergency whistle
14 alcohol prep pads
3 sting relief pads
6 antiseptic towelettes
20 – 2/8″ x 1.5″ bandages
10 – 3/4″ x 3″ bandages
Knuckle bandage
2 knee/elbow bandages
10 wound closure strips
4 – 2″ x 2″ sterile gauze pads
2 – 3″ x3″ sterile gauze pads
4″ x 4″ sterile gauze pad
2″ conforming gauze
Triangular bandage